Chinese Herbs & Nutrition

Chinese Herbal Medicine focuses on organ health and harmony. In Chinese Medicine, we classify different signs and symptoms to different organ systems. If someone has insomnia, then we treat the heart and liver systems. If they have thyroid issues, then we treat the kidney, spleen and liver systems. Every ailment has some organ system Chinese Medicine can treat to help the client improve their situation. Chinese herbs are a great way to treat yourself daily.

Chinese Herbs We Use

The Chinese herbs used are safe, cleanly sourced, and FDA approved. I use four different companies, Evergreen Herbs, Kan Herbs, Plum Flower, and Seven Forests. All of these companies have reliable products, and have a variety of formulas to choose from for adults and children. A Chinese herbal formula is a well-rounded product consisting of emperor, deputy and harmonizing herbs. The emperor herbs are the driving force of the formula. Deputy herbs aid the emperor in their functions, and synergistically help to balance out any unwanted properties. Then the harmonizing herbs further balance out the formula.

Nutrition and Chinese Medicine

Nutrition plays a major role in Chinese Medicine. The food you put in your body is the first line of defense in warding off disease. What you are eating feeds your tissues and directly affects the health of your body. Proper nutrition of eating organic foods, little to no meat, and a clean water source, will create an environment that diminishes a disease's ability to flourish. A person can maintain a healthy body environment with organic food, clean water, quality sleep, a zest for life, being in love, meditation, acupuncture, and annual cleansing. We are never totally free of exogenous pathogens, but if we have a clean internal environment, the exogenous pathogen will not have a chance to thrive. A clean internal environment will also keep our endogenous pathogens from expressing themselves. Dr. Mikio Sankey states,“(Antoine) Bechamp felt that changing the environment in the physical body was the most fundamental factor in health and balance, not the exogenous microzymas.” (Discern The Whisper, p. 131) As we keep the body in a slightly more alkaline state, the ph of the blood does not offer bacteria and viruses a suitable environment to thrive and mutate. Changing one’s diet and eating habits takes time, and everyone has their own pace when making lifestyle changes. One of the first steps I encourage my clients to do is cleanse down to the parasite level, and take a good probiotic that will diversify their microbiome. These steps will help to curb cravings, and combined with Esoteric Acupuncture, will allow making dietary, emotional, and other habitual changes easier.