
The two cleanses I like to use are called, Support The Mountain and a Liver Gallbladder cleanse. Support The Mountain will clean the blood, liver, intestines, and expel parasites. I recommend an individual do this cleanse annually because it takes multiple rounds of cleansing to expel deep rooted toxins out of our body. The Liver and Gallbladder cleanse will clean the liver and gallbladder of stones. One will need three bottles for the Support The Mountain cleanse. For the first bottle, take 2 pills 2 times a day and on the second and third bottles take 3 pills 2 times a day. Be in contact with me about your experience because one may need acupuncture during the cleanse to deal with the detox symptoms. The first time you take this formula it will need to be taken for a minimum of 3 months. Parasite eggs can incubate in your system for up to three months. If one does not take this formula for three months then they are risking a re-infestation of parasites. Cleansing symptoms will vary between people so call me with any concerns or detoxifying symptoms you experience.
Support the Mountain
The information below was taken from, “Support the Mountain, Nutrition for Expanded Consciousness,” by Mikio Sankey, Ph.D., L.Ac. Dr. Sankey is the creator of the parasite formula. Please read the sections below because they will discuss the importance of cleansing, possible detoxifying symptoms, and Support the Mountain formula. “The physical body wants to be healthy, even if your brain does not know how to make and keep your physical body healthy. When there is an excess of toxins in the body, the body will naturally try to expel those toxins. The body will initially make you aware of toxic overload by manifesting symptoms such as; dry or itchy skin, pimples, or other types of skin rashes, fatigue, irritability, anger, red eyes, pain after eating, poor memory, or physical aches and pains. The body will then try and release some of the excessive toxins. The expulsion may come in the form of dandruff or oily scalp, bad breath, flatulence, very smelly perspiration and body odor, body rashes, coughing, spitting up mucus, runny nose, and other symptoms of the body trying to expel excessive toxins.” “But we have been taught to suppress those signs and symptoms of imbalance by driving the pathogen further into the body. We take cough suppressants, antihistamines to dry up mucus and sinus congestion, and put ointment on the skin to clear up or dry up the skin problems. Those methods actually drive the pathogens further back into the body.” “The natural method of ridding the body of toxins during a cleansing or detoxifying program is to allow the body to release the toxins through whatever pathways are open for the removal of those waste products. During your detoxifying process, you may experience more heat in your body. The excessive heat may in turn create anger, fear, bad breath, dandruff, itchy scalp, red eyes, constipation, perspiration, insomnia, excessive thirst and skin problems. You must drink adequate amounts of good water during a cleanse to help the kidneys and to cool the body from the overload of heat generated toxins. The body may try to expel mucus that may manifest as more sinus congestion, bloating, gas, itchy throat, itchy skin, more sputum and again more anger. There are many effects of ‘seemingly negative’ symptoms, but these are all a part of the natural cleansing process. Let the body expel the toxins naturally. Do not take supplements to suppress or inhibit the expulsion of toxins in the body. When we drive toxins deeper into our body, we are starting the beginning stages of developing cysts, fibroids, tumors and other growths. The correct method and pathway in natural healing for releasing toxins has to occur from the inside outwards.” “Constipation. How do we rectify constipation? Energetically, constipation is related to not releasing something toxic in your life (not just fecal matter and not necessarily physical). It could be not being able to release some kind of toxic emotional or mental trauma that happened earlier in your life. Although one bowel movement daily may be the normal routine for most people, one bowel movement per day is usually not enough for people in the United States eating a typical American diet. If you have less than one bowel movement per day, yet are eating three meals a day then chances are you are probably very constipated. Look at your gut. If it extends outward, then you probably need to consider some type of colon cleanse. If you are eating three meals a day and are considered thin, yet have less than one bowel movement per day, you most likely have parasites.” “Parasite infestation is also a big problem in the United States. Most western doctors will tell their patients no to worry about parasites in the small or large intestines because those types of problems only occur in Third World countries. I (Dr. Mikio Sankey) feel that most people in the United States today have some sort of parasites. I am not referring to only bacteria, viruses or fungi. The parasites I am talking about range from very microscopic pathogens to pinworms, flukes (blood, liver, lungs, pancreas), trichinosis (from pork), dirofilaria (from dogs), ascaris, hookworms, various types of tapeworms, giardia, toxoplasma gondii, cryptosporidium, and various other sorts of unwanted critters. Some of the results from the Support the Mountain Parasite Cleanse have produced several hundred clients stating that they saw large roundworms, tapeworms and other forms of parasites come out in their stool after going through one or more of the parasite programs. There also have been clients stating that they have vomited live worms several weeks after taking the parasite formula. Even if you do not have a parasite going through a parasite cleanse is a good idea. The bottom line with a parasitical detoxifying program is that it will help you to clean your intestinal tract of excessive catarrh (mucus) and other toxic matter.” “Parasites prefer a warm, damp, moist environment. That environment is the exact condition of the terrain of your small intestines and colon. Processed sugars, animal products, refined starches, diary products, fried foods, alcohol and drugs all contribute to creating a damp environment in your body. Excessive worry depletes the spleen qi and may lead to dampness. You can ingest parasite eggs from foods, obtain them through the air and soil, and if you have pets, you probably have a 100% chance of having parasites. If you have a big gut or eat raw or rare meats, crave sugars or crave unnatural things such as dirt or chalk, then you most likely have a parasite. Besides eating nutrients from the foods you are ingesting, the parasites also defecate in your body. The toxins are circulated throughout your system.” “Support the Mountain Parasite formula consists of artemisia absinthium, artemisia annuae, pumpkin seeds, black walnut hulls (green), turkey rhubarb, cascara sagrada and powdered cloves. All of the herbs are 100% certified organic and placed in “00” vegetarian capsules. Freshly powdered cloves are required to kill the parasite eggs. The Support the Mountain formula contains both of the herbs known as wormwood form the artemisia family. Although the two artemisia herbs will work on both the small and large intestines, artemisia annuae more specifically addresses the small intestine and artemisia absinthium targets the large intestines. The overall formula is a very broad-spectrum formula to deal with many different types of parasites.” Another helpful cleanse is a gallbladder cleanse. The cleanse is outlined below.
Gallbladder Cleanse by Dr. Mikio Sankey, Ph.D., L.Ac
Cleanse Ingredients
- 1 bottle of Douglas Labs Malic Acid with Magnesium Tablets
- 4 Tablespoons of Epsom Salt
- 2 Cups of Water
- 1⁄2 Cup Olive Oil
- 1⁄2 Cup freshly squeezed citrus juice (orange, lemon, or grapefruit)
It is recommended that you modify your diet for the seven days of this cleanse. Try not to eat dairy, fried foods or heavy meats during this time span. If you feel that you must ingest animal proteins, then small portions of a light fish or organic chicken are acceptable. Try to eat salads, fresh vegetables, and drink plenty of good water during this period.
Step 1
For the first six days, you will be taking 1500mg of malic acid with magnesium per day. Take 1 pill 3 times a day before meals for six days.
Malic acid softens any stones you have in the gallbladder. The magnesium relaxes tense energy and assists the bowels to release.
Step 2
On the sixth day, do not eat after 3pm. Try to fast until lunch on the 7th day. If you need breakfast on the 7th day, eat something small and light.
Around 4 or 5 pm, on the evening of the sixth day after you have finished your third and last dosage of malic acid and magnesium, you must drink 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt dissolved in 1⁄2 cup of water.
Two hours later, drink 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt dissolved in 1⁄2 cup of water. The Epsom salt helps dilate the bile duct.
Two hours later, drink the olive oil-citrus juice mixture. Mix 1/2 cup of the best olive oil you can afford with 1/2 cup freshly squeezed citrus juice. You can use lemon, orange, or grapefruit juice. Put the olive oil and citrus juice in a jar or bottle and shake.
After drinking the olive oil and citrus mixture, go to sleep. It takes at least eight to twelve hours or more for the olive oil-citrus decoction to take effect.
Step 3
The morning of the seventh day, drink 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt dissolved in 1⁄2 cup of water.
Two hours later drink 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt dissolved in 1⁄2 cup of water.
You will have taken a total of four tablespoons of Epsom salt. Some prefer to dissolve four Tablespoons of Epsom salt in two cups of hot water. Then they would take one quarter of the dissolved Epsom salt four times as directed above.
One important thing to remember is that on the seventh day, you have to stay at home. You will also need to have quick access to your toilet. Some of the bowel movements may be explosive. There will be no chance of any gallstones being blocked in the bile duct. The malic acid softens stones and the Epsom salt dilates the bile duct. I have been asked what if the stones are large? I reply by asking how does a baby’s head go through the birth canal of the mother while giving birth? The body has a magnificent way to allow things to pass through. Besides, the stones passing through the system will initially be soft, and the bile duct will stretch and expand. If you remove the stones from the toilet and let them dry out, then the stones become very hard.
Many of the particles expelled will be bright green, greenish-black to dark brown and black. You may expel oil, cholesterol balls or other particles besides stones. The main thing is that you are purging the liver and gallbladder.
One last important item of note is that it is best to start the liver-gallbladder flush on or slightly before a new moon. The energetics at that time are the most conducive and beneficial for cleansing that part of your system. Your body will be synchronized with a certain flow and rhythm. If you cannot find the time to schedule in the seven-day flush, you can shorten the time to six days.
Information above taken form “Support The Mountain, Nutrition for Expanded Consciousness,” by Dr. Mikio Sankey, Ph.D, L.Ac.